Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

After a long day...

...she's a good eater...

...and the girls fall asleep together.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Lunch with Dad

We found Nemo!

We visited the Baltimore Aquarium on Sunday...

...found Nemo...

...saw the dolphin show...

...and Petra loved it too.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

And, goodnight.

Thanks for the party!

Getting ready...

...Grandbaby heaven...

...Liz, Lacy, and P...

...kisses after a bath...

...i love my Uncle Tio [you suck : ) ].

Miss Independent

Tia Melissa gave us this cool Bumbo seat and we love it! We also love those orchids which Aunt Kristian gave us when Petra was born.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Petra Goes Corporate

After lunch with Lacy we visited Uncle Tio...

...Lacy came along for the ride...

...Petra was the first person to ever vomit in Jon's office...


P.T.: the Petra Terrestrial

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Monday, November 5, 2007

NYC: Kellyn, Melissa, and the marathon

We visited Kellyn and Melissa this weekend and had a great time. On Saturday we went to the park with Kyla and then off to the Natural History Museum. We saw the dinosaurs, we found Nemo, and we got suckered in to seeing the special exhibition on Mythic Creatures: Dragons, Mermaids and Unicorns.
On Sunday we watched the marathon in Central Park.

We grabbed soup and sandwiches and ate lunch outside.
Melissa walked Kyla, her favorite dog, while Christopher carried Kellyn who was passed out sleeping.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A new car!!

Kellyn's Costume

Kellyn dressed up as Madeline and spent the day at the Natural History Museum.

Trick or treat, smell my feet

Petra is a pumpkin this year for Halloween. We were given three different pumpkin costumes so she had a choice between a pumpkin, a pumkin, or a pumpkin. Next year we'll be more creative and make her costume. This year we like having the multiple costumes since it is more than likely that she will spit up and/or poop on all three! Happy Halloween.